Monday, February 05, 2007

when i grow up......

The other day someone very close to me said that they had a much stronger idea of who they were when they were younger. Now this person has a lot to be thankful, there is a lot going right in their life and they are not feeling sorry for themself, they were just trying to figure out what they wanted from life. The main focus of this musing was career, this person knows what they want from the other parts of their life just the career part (which is going very well) is proving to be a stickler. I totally agreed with this, when I was younger there was only ever one answer to this question, just one, time and time again there was no hesitation to the ‘’what you wanna be…’’ question, the one answer, this never materialized, never happened, for various reasons, me being all of them, didn’t try hard enough, then realized that this was not my idea of a fulfilling career, now I am very glad I never did it, financially it was a bad idea, but otherwise not a regret, the only problem is if I got asked the ‘’whachayawannabe’’ be questions now there would be, hold on, mental tally, at least 6 totally different things that I wanna be, they are diverse enough that they could never be combined. Also when I do fantasise about having one of these careers, even though I really want them, I start to think that it is not a good idea, not because I don’t want to do it, I just want to do all the others as well, there is a serious lack of focus here, none of these can be hobbies either, so in the meantime until I do decide what I really wanna do I will carry on doing none of these but spend my days doing something that I don’t wanna do….

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